Medieval drawing of Fiore de'i Liberi

Fiore de'i Liberi

Fiore dei Liberi was a 14th-century Italian fencing master and one of the earliest known European martial arts instructors. With decades of experience training knights and nobles, he compiled his extensive knowledge into a comprehensive fencing manual. His work focuses on the use of the spada a due mani (longsword) but also covers grappling, daggers, polearms, and mounted combat. Fiore’s teachings emphasize efficiency, control, and adaptability, making his system both practical and highly effective.

Medieval manuscript page depicting combat techniques with illustrated figures demonstrating grappling moves and Italian text explaining the actions.
Medieval manuscript showing four illustrations of two men engaged in sword fighting. Each image demonstrates a different fencing technique or stance, accompanied by handwritten Italian text.


The Fior di Battaglia (The Flower of Battle) is Fiore dei Liberi’s fencing manual, written in the early 1400s. It survives in multiple versions, each illustrating techniques through detailed drawings and structured lesson plans. The text follows a systematic approach, using a “master-student” framework where techniques are categorized by plays and accompanied by concise explanations. The Flower of Battle remains one of the most influential historical fencing manuals, providing modern practitioners with insight into medieval European combat and Fiore’s unique martial philosophy.

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